lunes, 11 de marzo de 2024

The Life of an Indie


It's the second week of March, and this month, my dream of living solely from my comic has become true! (Even if it's just for this month, that's why it's important to keep your dreams vage).
A week into the indiegogo campaign, I said to myself, "if this works out, I'll tattoo Quetzalcoatl on my head", and it worked SO DAMN WELL.

Publically, I believe in science, but since this time it's about my career, I couldn't just risk it and made an appointment for the tattoo.
I expected it to be much more expensive, but it turns out my head is far smaller than I think it is.
I also ended up shaving all of my head so I'd get to feel the spring weather right on my scalp, or maybe I had something philosophical in mind when I did it, the point is that right now I'm pretty comfortable.

In the meantime, I'm planning my next campaign. This time I can't rely on friends and family, so I don't think it'll be successfull at all, but it turned out the Hotel got a better reach with a month of campaign than it did with two years on fucking tapas.

The Hotel still has one volume to go (the indiegogo was for Volumes 1 and 2) but I think that for next time, I should focus on something different, even tho it seems that people likes when you talk about the same character over and over again.

There's this gag comic I have been planing about Mesoamerican creation myths that people are probably going to be interested in, it's silly and bloody, and people likes that more than they admit.

domingo, 18 de febrero de 2024

Never Thought I'd Need to Make a Blog Again

 Back in the day, in the distant year of 2005, we north mexican all had blogs instead of social media as you know it now.

Then facebook came and everything changed. Everyone could see what everyone was doing without jumping from page to page, it was kind of shocking to have all that useless information forced down your throat whenever you wanted to play Farmville.
And everyone was making edgy jokes all the time before 2013 when SJW culture became all the rage and we all were suddenly really offended that Prince Charming had to kiss Sleeping Beauty to save her and her kingdom from a coma. It wasn't even a french kiss.

And now, that social media we got used to got so restrictive some of us got pushed back into blogs.

Or at least I, as an artist, feel unwelcome on most spaces now that my art has been deemed "too edgy", not because it hurt someone, but because it could potentially be too harsh on some poor 30yo's eyes.

Imagine me, going to the psychologyst, doing all this work on myself in order to have dominion over my trauma responses, when I could have just sit and cried until everyone censored themselves.
Years of my life wasted on self improvement.

But anyway, this month, thanks to friends, family and kind strangers, my dream of working full time on one of my IPs can be fullfilled! It's going to be only a month, but I'm grateful for this experience, no matter if the following year I have to change careers.

The only problem for me now is that I have so much to do my brain is overwelmed, and I need a place on where to write down shit and organize my thoughts, so opening a space like this one started feeling more and more necesary.

Anyway, here's a stupid fucking butt picture in the meantime I get everything together.

The Life of an Indie

      It's the second week of March, and this month, my dream of living solely from my comic has become true! (Even if it's just for...